Kadbanu Charitable Trust is a trust formed and registered under Trust Act, to cater services to poor and unreached rural people of Bengal headed by great social activist Md. Enamul Haque, himself. The trust provides educational materials to students from poor family, medical treatment and allied medical services and blankets to needy village people of rural Bengal. The trust also participates in different social activities and raise awareness amongst the poor people for their benefits.
People of rural Murshidabad unserved district of West Bengal does not avail the medical health services of Government. The situation of poor rural people are worse. Only the creamly layer of the socity can enjoy the expensive medical services of private service providers. Similerly, Education services available in Murshidabad district is very poor compare to other states of West Bengal, where as there is huge number of telented students in the district. The conditions is quite enough to make any social person think on the situation. The Kadbanu Charitable Trust was formed by Md Enamul Hoque to minimize the gap of need and available medical and educational services in the rural unreached villages in Murshidabad.
Serve the poor unreached rural community of Murshidabad
we always use best and fastest fleets